Gardendale Nazarene

to live completely for Christ...

Acts | Messages | Gardendale Nazarene


No Other (Exodus 20:1-3)

Today we begin our series on the Ten Commandments. The commandments begin with a foundational commandment, "You shall have no other gods before me." What does it mean to have no other gods?

The God of the Second Chance (Acts 9:1-20)

This is a story of how God breaks into our lives and changes our hearts.

The Mission of the Church (Acts 7:1-9)

Our church's mission statement is, "To live completely for Christ." How serious do we take that statement? How do we work it into our daily lives? Acts 7 tells us about Paul and Silas in Thessalonica. There, they are accused of "turning the world upside down." This is true-the message of Christ does turn the world upside down. What are we doing to turn the world upside down?

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Proper Priorities (Acts 6:1-5)

When a crisis arises, we see what is really important. God as called each one of to something unique- and prayer is the common denominator in what we are all called to do.

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A New Life and a New Status (Acts 26:12-18)

It is the vocation of the church to lead unbelievers to conversion and into the life of faith in the Body of Christ.

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