Gardendale Nazarene

to live completely for Christ...

Strategic Prayer and Servanthood (Phil. 2:3-11) | Messages | Gardendale Nazarene

Strategic Prayer and Servanthood (Phil. 2:3-11)

Praying for boldness and for a movement of God's Spirit within the community and in the lives of those who are lost is part of an effective outreach strategy.

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In this sermon and the next, I reference the book
Comeback Churches by Ed Stetzer. If you are interested in reading this book, you can find it here.

There were three common faith factors they found in Comeback Churches. These factors are:
1) Renewed belief in Jesus Christ and the Mission of the Church
2) Renewed attitude for servanthood
3) More strategic prayer effort

These factors are exciting in two ways. First, I don’t think anyone in the church is overly surprised by these factors. If we are surprised, it is because of what the factors are not. The factors are not exciting worship, engaging messages, seeker-sensitive services, etc. They are what the church needs to be doing. Secondly, Gardendale Nazarene has been on a journey over the recent years. This journey has asked, “What are our core values as a church?” Guess what? Our values (discipleship, kindness, and prayer) line up perfectly with these faith factors! God is working in an amazing way!